Azad Government of the State of Jammu and Kashmir

Cadet College Muzaffarabad



“In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

As Allah wills, we have no power but the help of Allah”

Principal’s Message

“Create enabling environment whereby the young scholars are trained and guided to take on future challenges and be patriotic practicing Muslims”

Brigadier Asrat Mahmood, SI (M), (Retired)

     Humbled to Allah Almighty, Who has afforded me an opportunity and concurrently reposed enormous responsibility to lead somewhat a new educational institution. I appreciate the efforts made by the Project Directors to complete the infrastructure of the College as planned. I recognize the relentless efforts of my Predecessors, Faculty and Support Staff to operationalize the College and put the system in place, which is manifested in the College’s academic and extra-curricular outcomes.

     We will continue to further enhance and institutionalize the system already in place; related to human resources, training of the faculty in educational philosophy, child psychology, modern teaching techniques, etc., thereby creating an enabling environment of learning to transform the College into an efficient and smart Institution.

     Correctly focused on academic excellence, concerted efforts will be directed on character building, physical fitness with mental agility to shape the personality, which is morally sound, socially correct and emotionally stable with dynamic leadership qualities.

     We will endeavour to complete the remaining infrastructure of the College through Azad Government of the State of Jammu & Kashmir.

       Wish to work in harmony and duly concentrating on Parents-Teacher-Cadets triangle.

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